From NeOn Wiki

Reviewer Aldo Gangemi


Nomination of Reviewer and specification of Quality Criteria

(to be completed by Work Package Leader - i.e. after reviewer’s agreement to participate is obtained)

Summary of the Purpose of the Deliverable

ToDo ... ... ...

Plat form or s/w dependence and prerequites (i.e. Java version) (circle as appropriate):

Technical Quality criteria for the Software(s)

Quality criteria for User support documentation

(if not provided, say why)

Quality criteria for Developer support documentation

(if not provided, say why)

Quality criteria for Report documentation

(if not provided, say why)

Nominated Developer Reviewer

(WP leader to ensure reviewer has necessary knowledge and skills to perform QA )

Jusficiation for choice of Reviewers

Assessment of the quality of the Software

Software installation is clear (e.g. a readme file), virus & bug-free

(only if relevant)

User interface

Core functionality

Compliance with specification

(does it fulfil what the s/w is expected to do, in particular, where applicable, does it meet case-study requirement?)

Distribution Modality

( what plan is in place to distribute s/w to the public, how can it be downloaded?)


(when bugs appear is there is concrete/ sufficient info re: how to fix it/how to report it/to whom/by what method e.g. send email to….or post on forum?)


(acknowledgements should be clear, and it is clear who owns any background and foreground Intellectual Property)


(Disclaimer is explicit and makes clear that the Consortium or Publisher accepts no liability for s/w)


( Licence is explicit and compatible with licence of any derivatives or background components)

NeOn logo appears on the ‘about page’

NeOn acknowledgement (i.e. paragraph appears on the’ about’ page)

Overall quality

Assessment of the quality of the Documentation

User Documentation

Overall quality

Appropriateness for audience

Developer Documentation

Techncal quality

Appropriateness for audience

Report Documentation

Technical quality – S/w well described

Motivation – why is s/w useful?

Usage Scenario

(how software supports a realistic scenario (i.e. not artificial or tailored for the software) inline with any of use case partners

References – completeness

All documentation - Presentation – spelling, grammar

All documentation -Quality – tables, figures, graphics

Other comments